Password Tools [open-source project]

Password management is really important. It helps remember your passwords.
Some people don't know how to do that. That's why I created this site - to help them!
Before, I had trouble managing passwords: where to put them, how to design that paper.
Now, that I found an awesome orginizer my passwords are safe, and orginized. Today, i'll share that orginizer with you.
Sheet (click here to open it) That worksheet really helped me. Remember to keep your passwords in a safe place and DO NOT keep your password sheet outdated.
DO NOT use that sheet on computer. PRINT IT OUT.

And that's all you need to know about password management. Good Luck!

Password Sheet

(Image from

Create a password


Scammers are everywhere trying to steal your information.
This quiz will help you Learn to identify scammer emails.



You are hard to scam!


No! Better practice...